

Dhaka Capital of Bangladesh ,


Dhaka: The Vibrant Capital of Bangladesh


Dhaka is the capital and largest city of Bangladesh, located on the banks of the Buriganga River.



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With a population of over 22.4 million residents in Greater Dhaka,

it ranks as the ninth-largest and seventh-most densely populated city in the world.

This megacity is not only a bustling metropolis but also a treasure trove of cultural, historical,

and architectural wonders that attract tourists from around the globe.

As the cultural, economic, and scientific hub of Eastern South Asia,

Dhaka plays a pivotal role in shaping the region's development.

The city boasts a rich history and is considered a major Muslim-majority city.

With its strategic location on the Ganges Delta, Dhaka is surrounded by the Buriganga, Turag, Dhaleshwari,

and Shitalakshya rivers, adding to its scenic beauty.

Dhaka's significance extends beyond its demographics and geographical features.

It is the economic powerhouse of Bangladesh, ranking third in South Asia and 39th in the world in terms of GDP.

The city's vibrant economy is driven by various sectors, including textiles, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, and services.

Dhaka is also home to the Dhaka Stock Exchange, which is one of the largest stock exchanges in South Asia.

The history of Dhaka dates back to the first millennium when the area was inhabited.

From the 17th century onwards, the city evolved as a provincial capital and commercial center under the Mughal Empire.


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For 75 years, Dhaka served as the capital of a proto-industrialized Mughal Bengal

and flourished as a hub of the muslin trade.

Its prosperity during this period made it one of the most prosperous cities in the world.

During the Mughal era, the city was known as Jahangirnagar, named after Emperor Jahangir.

The Mughal elite, including princes and sons of emperors, contributed to the city's grandeur.

Dhaka's glory peaked in the 17th and 18th centuries when it attracted merchants from across Eurasia.

The Port of Dhaka played a crucial role in both riverine and seaborne trade,

earning the city the nickname "Venice of the East".

Under British rule, Dhaka witnessed significant advancements, including the introduction of electricity, railways,

and modern water supply systems.

It became an important administrative and educational center in the British Raj,

serving as the capital of Eastern Bengal and Assam province.

After the end of British rule, Dhaka became the administrative capital of East Pakistan in 1947.

In 1971, following the Liberation War, it emerged as the capital of independent Bangladesh.

Today, Dhaka is a beta-global city and the center of political, economic, and cultural life in Bangladesh.

The city houses the Government of Bangladesh, numerous local companies, and prestigious educational,

scientific, research, and cultural institutions.

Over the years, Dhaka has experienced rapid growth in population, area, and economic diversity.

It now accounts for a significant portion of Bangladesh's economy, contributing 35% to the nation's GDP.

Dhaka's architectural landscape is a blend of modern and historical structures.

The iconic Jatiyo Sangshad Bhaban, designed by renowned architect Louis Kahn, stands as a symbol of modernity.

Meanwhile, the city preserves around 2,000 buildings from the Mughal and British periods,

showcasing its historical heritage.

The city's culinary scene is another highlight, with Dhaka boasting a renowned culinary heritage.

From mouthwatering biryani to delectable street food,

the diverse flavors of Dhaka tantalize the taste buds of locals and visitors alike.

The city's vibrant culture is also evident in its rickshaws, colorful art festivals, and religious diversity.

Dhaka's cultural significance is further exemplified by its association with two Nobel laureates,

Rabindranath Tagore and Muhammad Yunus.

The city's annual Bengali New Year celebrations, known as Pohela Boishakh, are vibrant and artistic,

recognized by UNESCO for their cultural importance.

Literature and poetry have thrived in Dhaka, producing notable writers and poets in various languages,

particularly Bengali and English.


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The city's dynamic literary scene reflects the intellectual wealth and creative spirit of its residents.

Dhaka, with its rich history, economic significance, and cultural vibrancy,

offers a unique experience to those who visit.

As you explore the bustling streets and immerse yourself in the city's diverse offerings,

Dhaka will leave an indelible mark and provide a glimpse into the heart and soul of Bangladesh.

Now let's answer some questions:

- What is the capital of Bangladesh?

The capital of Bangladesh is Dhaka.

- What is the capital city of Bangladesh?

The capital city of Bangladesh is Dhaka.

- What is the capital and currency of Bangladesh?

The capital of Bangladesh is Dhaka,

and the currency is the Bangladeshi Taka (BDT).

- What is the capital of Bangladesh in Hindi?

बांग्लादेश की राजधानी ढाका है। (The capital of Bangladesh in Hindi is "Dhaka.")

- What is the first capital of Bangladesh?

The first capital of Bangladesh was Dhaka.

- Where is the capital of Bangladesh?

The capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka, is located in the central part of the country.

- Dhaka area name:

Dhaka is divided into several administrative areas, including Gulshan, Banani, Dhanmondi, Uttara,

and Mohammadpur, among others.

Dhaka, with its rich history, bustling economy, and vibrant culture,

continues to be a city of immense significance in Bangladesh and the South Asian region.

Whether you're exploring its historical landmarks, indulging in its culinary delights,

or immersing yourself in its cultural festivities, Dhaka promises an unforgettable experience for every visitor.

1. Historical Significance: Dhaka has a long and storied history that dates back over a millennium.

The area has been inhabited since ancient times,

and the city itself developed as a provincial capital and commercial center during the Mughal Empire.

It served as the capital of Mughal Bengal for significant periods,

contributing to its economic prosperity and cultural development.

2. Cultural Diversity: Dhaka is a melting pot of diverse cultures and traditions.

As the largest Bengali-speaking city in the world, it embraces and celebrates the Bengali culture.

However, it is also home to various ethnic and religious communities,

creating a rich tapestry of traditions and festivals.

The city's cultural scene is vibrant, with art festivals, music concerts,

and theatrical performances taking place throughout the year.

3. Architectural Marvels: Dhaka showcases a fascinating blend of architectural styles, reflecting its historical

and cultural influences.

The city is adorned with magnificent structures from the Mughal, British, and modern eras.

From the Lalbagh Fort, a 17th-century Mughal fortress, to the Armenian Church,

an exquisite example of Armenian architecture, and the Ahsan Manzil,

a stunning pink palace from the British period, Dhaka's architecture is a testament to its rich heritage.

4. Thriving Art and Literature Scene: Dhaka has a thriving art and literature scene, with numerous art galleries

and literary festivals that attract artists and writers from around the country.

The city has produced renowned poets, writers, and artists who have made significant contributions to Bengali

literature and art.

The Shaheed Minar, a monument dedicated to the Language Movement of 1952,

stands as a symbol of the city's cultural resilience.

5. Vibrant Markets and Shopping: Dhaka is a shopaholic's paradise, offering a wide range of markets and shopping destinations.

From bustling bazaars and street markets like New Market and Shankhari Bazar to modern shopping malls like

Bashundhara City and Jamuna Future Park, Dhaka caters to all shopping preferences.

Visitors can explore traditional handicrafts, textiles, and souvenirs, as well as indulge in the latest fashion trends.

6. Gastronomic Delights: Dhaka's culinary heritage is diverse and delightful.

The city offers a plethora of culinary experiences, ranging from traditional Bengali cuisine to international flavors.

Must-try dishes include mouthwatering biryani, delicious bhuna khichuri,

and delectable street food such as fuchka (pani puri) and jhalmuri (spicy puffed rice).

Dhaka's food scene is a true reflection of its cultural diversity.

7. Natural Beauty: While Dhaka is a bustling urban center, it also boasts pockets of natural beauty.

The city is surrounded by rivers and waterways, providing opportunities for boat rides and scenic views.

Lalbagh Fort and its surrounding gardens offer a serene escape from the city's hustle and bustle,

while the Baldha Garden showcases a diverse range of flora and fauna.

8. Warm Hospitality: The people of Dhaka are known for their warm hospitality and friendliness.

Visitors to the city often experience the genuine kindness and generosity of the locals,

making their stay even more memorable.

The locals are always ready to assist visitors, offer recommendations, and share their love for their city and culture.

Dhaka's vibrant atmosphere, rich history, cultural diversity, and warm hospitality make it a captivating

destination for travelers.

Whether you're exploring its historical landmarks, immersing yourself in its art and literature scene,

savoring its culinary delights, or simply embracing the city's unique energy,

Dhaka promises an unforgettable experience that captures the essence of Bangladesh.

9. Educational Hub: Dhaka is home to numerous prestigious educational institutions,

making it a significant educational hub in Bangladesh.

The city houses renowned universities, including the University of Dhaka,

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), and Jahangirnagar University.

These institutions attract students from across the country and contribute to Dhaka's intellectual and academic landscape.

10. Traffic and Transportation: Dhaka is known for its bustling traffic, especially during peak hours.

The city faces challenges related to traffic congestion

and transportation infrastructure due to its rapid urbanization and population growth.

However, efforts are being made to improve the transportation system,

including the introduction of mass transit systems such as the metro rail and initiatives to enhance road networks.

11. Festivals and Celebrations: Dhaka is a city that loves to celebrate festivals and cultural events.

The Bengali New Year, known as Pohela Boishakh, is one of the most significant celebrations in Dhaka,

marked by colorful processions, traditional music, dance performances, and cultural programs.

Other festivals like Eid-ul-Fitr, Durga Puja,

and Christmas are also celebrated with great enthusiasm and bring the city to life.

12. Museums and Galleries: Dhaka houses several museums

and galleries that offer insights into the country's history, art, and culture.

The National Museum of Bangladesh showcases a vast collection of artifacts and exhibits spanning thousands of years.


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The Liberation War Museum provides a glimpse into the nation's struggle for independence.

Additionally, there are art galleries like the Bengal Gallery of Fine Arts and the Drik Gallery,

which promote contemporary art and photography.

13. Parks and Recreation: Dhaka provides several green spaces and parks where residents and visitors can relax

and enjoy recreational activities.

The Ramna Park, located in the heart of the city, is a popular destination for picnics and leisurely walks.

The Hatirjheel-Begunbari Lake area offers a scenic environment with walking trails, water activities,

and vibrant lighting displays.

These parks provide a much-needed respite from the city's bustling urban landscape.

14. Music and Film Industry: Dhaka has a thriving music and film industry.

The city is considered the center of the Bangladeshi music scene, with numerous music studios, record labels,

and live performance venues.

Dhallywood, the Bengali-language film industry of Bangladesh, is also based in Dhaka and produces

a significant number of films each year.

The city's entertainment industry plays a crucial role in promoting the country's music and cinema.

15. Sports: Dhaka has a strong sporting culture, with cricket being the most popular sport in Bangladesh.

The Sher-e-Bangla National Cricket Stadium, located in Dhaka, is the country's largest cricket stadium

and hosts international matches.

Football is also widely followed and played in the city, with local clubs competing in domestic leagues.

Dhaka's sports facilities cater to various sports, including tennis, swimming, and athletics.

16. Urban Development: Dhaka is a city experiencing rapid urban development and expansion.

Skyscrapers, commercial complexes, and residential areas are continuously being developed to accommodate

the growing population and meet the demands of a modern city.

The city's skyline is evolving, with high-rise buildings shaping its urban landscape.

17. Challenges: Like many large cities, Dhaka faces challenges such as urban poverty, inadequate infrastructure,

waste management, and environmental issues.

The government and various organizations are working to address these challenges through initiatives focused

on urban planning, sustainable development, and social welfare programs.

Dhaka's dynamic and ever-evolving character makes it a city of contrasts, where ancient traditions blend with modern aspirations.

It continues to thrive as the cultural, economic, and political capital of Bangladesh, offering a captivating mix

of history, culture, and urban energy for residents and visitors alike.

18. Economic Significance: Dhaka is the economic hub of Bangladesh, contributing significantly to the country's economy.

The city is home to numerous industries, including textiles, garments, jute, leather goods, pharmaceuticals, and food processing.

It serves as a major center for trade, commerce, and finance,

with a growing number of multinational companies establishing their presence in the city.

19. Population and Growth: Dhaka is one of the most densely populated cities in the world.

Its population has been rapidly growing due to rural-urban migration and natural population growth.

The city's population density has resulted in challenges related to housing, infrastructure, and public services.

Efforts are being made to manage urban growth and improve living conditions through urban planning and development initiatives.

20. Informal Sector: Dhaka has a significant informal sector, which plays a vital role in the city's economy.

Informal businesses and street vendors contribute to the local economy and provide employment opportunities

for a large number of people.

The informal sector is particularly prominent in areas like Old Dhaka, where traditional crafts,

small-scale industries, and local markets thrive.

21. Climate: Dhaka has a subtropical monsoon climate characterized by hot and humid summers, mild winters,

and a significant amount of rainfall.

The city experiences distinct seasons, with the monsoon season lasting from June to September, bringing heavy rainfall.

The winter months, from November to February, are relatively cooler and more comfortable.

22. Healthcare and Education: Dhaka boasts a robust healthcare system,

with a wide range of public and private hospitals, clinics, and medical facilities.

The city is home to renowned medical colleges and research institutions.

Similarly, Dhaka offers a diverse range of educational opportunities, including schools, colleges,

and universities, catering to various academic disciplines and fields of study.

23. Digital Connectivity: Dhaka has witnessed significant advancements in digital connectivity and technology.

The city has a growing IT and software development sector, with the establishment of technology parks and innovation centers.

High-speed internet access, mobile connectivity, and digital services are widely available,

contributing to the city's digital transformation.

24. Social and Cultural Activism: Dhaka is known for its vibrant social and cultural activism.

The city has a history of social movements and activism on various issues, including human rights,

gender equality, environmental conservation, and social justice.

Civil society organizations, non-governmental organizations,

and passionate individuals actively work toward bringing positive change and creating awareness.

25. International Relations: Dhaka maintains diplomatic relations with countries around the world

and hosts a significant number of foreign embassies and diplomatic missions.

The city actively participates in regional and international forums, fostering cooperation

and collaboration on various fronts, including trade, development, and cultural exchange.

26. Future Development: Dhaka's future development plans focus on improving infrastructure, transportation,

and urban services to accommodate the growing population and address existing challenges.

Efforts are underway to develop a more sustainable, inclusive,

and livable city through initiatives such as mass transit systems, waste management programs, and urban greening projects.

Dhaka, with its complex tapestry of culture, history, and rapid urbanization, continues to evolve and adapt to the changing times.

While it faces challenges associated with its rapid growth, the city also presents numerous opportunities

for economic, social, and cultural development.

Dhaka's resilience and determination make it a city striving for progress and seeking to create a better future

for its residents and visitors.

27. River Buriganga: Dhaka is situated on the banks of the Buriganga River, a major waterway that flows through the city.

The river holds historical and cultural significance and is often referred to as the lifeline of Dhaka.

It serves as a transportation route, with numerous ferries and boats plying its waters.

The Sadarghat River Port, located along the Buriganga, is one of the busiest river ports in the country.

28. Dhaka University Area: The Dhaka University area is a vibrant and intellectual hub within the city.

It houses the University of Dhaka, one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Bangladesh.

The campus features architectural gems like the Curzon Hall, known for its striking red-brick colonial design.

The area surrounding the university is known for its bookstores, cafes, and cultural events, attracting students,

scholars, and intellectuals.

29. Traffic Congestion Solutions: Dhaka faces significant traffic congestion due to the high volume of vehicles on its roads.

To address this issue, the government has implemented various measures,

including the introduction of ride-sharing services, the construction of elevated expressways and flyovers,

and the development of a metro rail system.


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These initiatives aim to alleviate traffic congestion and improve transportation efficiency.

30. Rickshaws: Dhaka is famous for its vibrant and colorful rickshaws, which are a common mode

of transportation within the city.

These cycle rickshaws, adorned with decorative artwork and designs, add to the unique charm of Dhaka.

They provide an economical and convenient means of getting around congested areas

and are considered an iconic symbol of the city.

31. Religious Diversity: Dhaka embraces religious diversity, with significant populations of Muslims, Hindus,

Christians, and Buddhists.

The city is home to numerous mosques, temples, churches, and Buddhist monasteries.

Religious festivals and observances are celebrated with enthusiasm, contributing to the city's cultural fabric

and fostering interfaith harmony.

32. Dhaka Art Summit: The Dhaka Art Summit is a biennial international art event held in Dhaka.

It has gained recognition as one of the leading art events in South Asia, attracting artists, curators,

and art enthusiasts from around the world.

The summit features exhibitions, performances, workshops, and discussions, promoting contemporary art

and fostering cultural exchange.

33. Street Food Culture: Dhaka is renowned for its vibrant street food culture.

The city's streets are filled with food stalls and vendors offering a wide variety of delicious and affordable snacks and meals.

From mouthwatering fuchka (pani puri) and jhalmuri (spicy puffed rice) to kebabs, samosas,

and traditional sweets like roshogolla and mishti doi, Dhaka's street food scene is a culinary delight.

34. National Martyrs' Memorial: Located in Savar, just outside Dhaka,

the National Martyrs' Memorial is a significant monument dedicated to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives

during the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971.

The memorial complex comprises a towering sculpture and a museum that commemorates the history

and struggles of the liberation movement.

35. Fashion and Textile Industry: Dhaka is a major center for the fashion and textile industry in Bangladesh.

The city is known for its garment manufacturing and export,

with numerous factories and textile mills operating in and around Dhaka.

The textile industry plays a crucial role in the country's economy, and Dhaka serves as a hub for textile trade and fashion design.

Dhaka, with its diverse cultural heritage, bustling streets, and ongoing development,

offers a wealth of experiences and opportunities.

The city's unique blend of tradition and modernity creates a captivating environment that continues to evolve

and shape its identity.


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